Bee sting treatment benadryl
Bee sting treatment benadryl

bee sting treatment benadryl

So How Much Benadryl Can I Give My Dog? It is very easy to over dose a dog on Benadryl if you do not know the exact dose to give him. If the reaction is not severe, Benadryl can help relieve the itching, reduce the swelling while reducing any allergic reaction. But How Much Benadryl Can I Give My Dog? How Much Benadryl Can I Give My Dog?īenadryl is the best antihistamine to help cure your dog after being stung. If the dog can swallow then give him a dose of Benadryl while taking him to the veterinarian, this will help a lot with the allergic reaction. If this happens then you should take him to the veterinary hospital immediately. The symptoms of anaphylactic shock include fainting, rapid breathing, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, wheezing, pale gums, weakness, trembling, low temperature, fever and low body temperature. Anaphylactic shock is characterized by the blood circulation shutting down and if not monitored it can kill a dog within ten minutes. Some dogs may have a severe reaction to the stinger these dogs go into anaphylactic shock and develop a severe swelling.


Offer the dog some ice cubes or a bowl full of ice water and some wet food. Treating a dog bee sting inside the mouth is very hard as the dog’s mouth is hurting and he will not allow you to poke something in its mouth in the name of removing the stinger.


Place a piece of wash cloth on the affected area followed by the pack of ice and if the dog does not protest you can leave the ice on its skin for up to 30 minutes. To reduce the swelling and soothe the affected area, you can use an icepack. The symptoms of a dog bee sting with a slight reaction to a stinger include a swelling and reddening of the affected area plus itching. Locating a stinger can be very difficult, as they are translucent, but you should be able to locate the exact area where the dog was stung as it is characterized by a swelling and then scrap it off using a blunt object or your finger nails to remove it.

bee sting treatment benadryl

Mostly a dog gets stung on their head faces or inside their mouth, the first step to treating a bee sting is locating the stinger and removing it. Dogs react differently to bee sting some may have a slight reaction while others have a severe reaction.

Bee sting treatment benadryl